/ Knowledge Base / Disable White label Settings for other User Roles on Website

Disable White label Settings for other User Roles on Website

Convert Pro allows you to white label the plugin and show it as your own. You can read our white label settings article to know more.

You might also know that you can decide which user role on your website can access Convert Pro. Here is an article about the same.

Now, let’s say you are the administrator and you do not want any other user roles on your website to make changes in the White Label settings. So, here is a list of PHP constants that you can declare in the wp-config.php file at the root of your WordPress installation.

define( 'CPRO_CUSTOM_BRANDING_NAME' ,'New Branding name' );

define( 'CPRO_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION' ,'New Description' );

define( 'CPRO_CUSTOM_AUTHOR_NAME' ,'New author name' );

define( 'CPRO_CUSTOM_AUTHOR_URL' ,'New Author URL' );

define( 'CPRO_CUSTOM_KNOWLEDGE_BASE_URL' ,'New Knowledge base URL' );

define( 'CPRO_CUSTOM_SUPPORT_URL' ,'New Support URL' );

define( 'CPRO_CUSTOM_ADDON_DESCRIPTION' ,'New Convert Pro Addon Description' );

define( 'CPRO_CUSTOM_IMAGE_URL' ,'New Image URL' );


define( 'CPRO_ENABLED_SUPPORT_URL', true );

define( 'CPRO_ENABLED_IMAGE_URL' ,false );

define( 'CPRO_HIDE_REFRESH_TEMPLATE' ,false );

This will make sure that no other user role except the Website administrator can access the White label settings.

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