/ Knowledge Base / How to Change the Labels in the Countdown Timer?

How to Change the Labels in the Countdown Timer?

Have you ever thought of changing the labels seen in Countdown Timer?

Countdown Label Name

You can do that using the filter we are about to introduce in this article.

This code has to be added to the functions.php file of your theme.

add_filter( 'cpro_countdown_timer_label',  'function_name', 10, 1 );
            function function_name( $timer_lable_name ){
                $timer_lable_name = 'Years,Months,Weeks,Day,Hours,Minutes,Seconds';
                return $timer_lable_name;
//This code can be added to display texts for the counters if only one i.e. singular
add_filter( 'cpro_countdown_timer_label_singular',  'function_name_singular', 10, 1 );
            function function_name_singular( $timer_lable_name ){
                $timer_lable_name = 'Year,Month,Week,Day,Hour,Minute,Second';
                return $timer_lable_name;

Here is an example:

add_filter( 'cpro_countdown_timer_label',  'function_name', 10, 1 );
            function function_name( $timer_lable_name ){
                $timer_lable_name = 'Y,M,W,D,H,M,S';
                return $timer_lable_name;


Changed Label Countdown
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