/ Knowledge Base /Advanced/ How to A/B Test Two or More Call-to-Actions in Convert Pro?

How to A/B Test Two or More Call-to-Actions in Convert Pro?

A/B tests help you determine which version of a page or call-to-action works the best.

Convert Pro allows you to test two or more call-to-actions (modal popup, slide-ins and infobars) together to check what works best with your audience. You can keep the one that brings in maximum conversions and eliminate the rest.

Before moving on to create an A/B test, you need to be sure that you have installed and activated the Convert Pro A/B Test Addon.

You will also need to integrate Convert Pro with Google Analytics so that you can track impressions and conversions to know which one is better.

Let us now see how we can create a test and go about comparing two call-to-actions in Convert Pro.

  1. Create two or more call-to-actions
  2. Design them as per your needs

As seen in the image below, I have four call-to-actions, out of which I will be comparing three in the A/B test.

Let us begin Creating an A/B test

STEP 1 -> Go to Convert Pro Dashboard -> A/B Test tab

Click on the button that says “Create New Test

Note: Please make sure you have activated the Convert Pro A/B test Addon

STEP 2 -> Fill the form that appears in a popup.

The fields are as explained below:

  • Test Title: This is the name of the test. What do you want the test to be called?
  • Choose call-to-actions you wish to be compared: Select two or more call-to-actions.
  • Choose a parent call-to-action: The others will inherit the configuration settings of the parent call-to-action.
  • Select time period: Select the dates between which you wish to run the test.

You can then tick the checkbox below in case you wish to stop the call-to-action that fails the test.

Seeing the results!

If you wish to check the performance graphs of your test, you can do so by clicking on the graph icon seen under the Insights column as shown in the image below.

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