/ Knowledge Base /Store and License/ Where can I find the Convert Pro License Key?

Where can I find the Convert Pro License Key?

The product license key is the most important thing when you purchase a product of Brainstorm Force. It is with this key that you get access to our support center, register the product to receive free updates, freebies and much more.

If you have forgotten or misplaced the license key for a product available on our store; you will find it by following the steps mentioned below.

1. Login to your account on our store and open the purchase history page.

2. You will then find the View Licenses link besides the product name. Click on the one you wish to see. (In this case, click on the link inline with Convert Pro)

View Licenses

3. Once clicked, you will see a key icon as shown in the image below.

Click on Key Icon

4. Click on the key Icon and you’ll find the Convert Pro license key.

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