/ Knowledge Base / How to Display Call-to-action Within Scrolling Range on a Page?

How to Display Call-to-action Within Scrolling Range on a Page?

Available from Convert Pro version 1.3.8

Convert Pro allows you to display a slide-in or an infobar between a specific section on the page.

This can be used when

  • you are hosting an offer on selected products on your website
  • You have a paragraph along with which you wish to display a related article link alongside.

And many more.

This trigger can be set by following the steps mentioned below.

Step 1 -> Go to the Configuration settings and then the Launch section. You will find the After Scroll / Display Within Range.

Step 2 -> Add the start and end percentage

Set the slider values to the percentage at which you wish to display and hide the call-to-action respectively.

Display Within Range Settings Page in Convert Pro

In the above image we see that the slide-in is set to be displayed when the user reaches 20% of the page and will disappear when he scrolls down to 60%.

This will make sure that the call-to-action will be seen only between 20% to 60% of the page length.


  • It is recommended not to use the after scroll or display within range trigger in more than one rulesets.

You can refer to the following article to know how to display a slide-in or infobar on scroll and keep it live until a user acts on it.

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