/ Knowledge Base /Advanced/ How to Enable Form Field Validation?

How to Enable Form Field Validation?

Convert Pro introduces a new option for Form Field Validation, which will help the user to submit the form with correct information. [ Available from Convert Pro version 1.5.2 and above ]

Whenever the Name form field or Phone form field is added while designing the popup, a new option in the setting will appear to enable the validation.

Here two things will be available when enabled the option.

  • Enter Regular Expression.
  • Enter the Message Title.

Let’s get started with it:

# For Name Form Field:

Step 1 -> Drag and Drop the Name form field.

Step 2 -> Enable the Validation.


  • By default, a regular expression is set for the Name form field, in that it will accept only the characters.
  • A message title is set when the user enters invalid input which does not match the regular expression.
Regular ExpressionDescription
[A-Za-z\s]+Accepts only the characters.[Default]
[A-Za-z]+Accepts only the characters for single word input.
Ex.: John
^[^\x00-\x1f\x21-\x26\x28-\x2d\x2f-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\xff]+$Matches common ASCII names without special characters.
Ex.: Sir. Isaac Newton, Tom O’Leary, John Doe
Enable Form Field Validation

In case if the pattern is not matched the error message will be displayed as shown below:

Screen Recording 2020-09-23 at PM.gif

# For Phone Form Field:

Step 1 -> Drag and Drop the Phone form field.

Step 2 -> Enable the Validation.


  • By default, a regular expression is set for the Phone form field, in that it will accept only the numbers.
  • A message title is set when the user enters invalid input which does not match the regular expression.
Regular ExpressionDescription
[0-9]Accepts only numbers.[Default]
^(\+)[0-9]Accepts the phone number starting with ‘+’ with 12 number digits.
Ex.: +123456789012
^[2-9]\d-\d-\d$This expression matches a hyphen separated US phone number, of the form
ANN-NNN-NNNN, where A is between 2 and 9 and N is between 0 and 9.
Ex.: 800-555-5555

In case if the pattern is not matched the error message will be displayed as shown below:

Screen Recording 2020-09-23 at PM.gif
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