/ Knowledge Base /Advanced/ Google Analytics Integration with Convert Pro

Google Analytics Integration with Convert Pro

Note: Please update your Convert Pro plugin to v1.7.7 or above and the Convert Pro Addon plugin to v1.5.6 or above to integrate with GA4.

Most website owners rely on Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to track their website performance. They use it to check whether their efforts are bringing the needed results. Convert Pro is a lead generation plugin that helps users convert visitors into leads, subscribers, and potential customers.

Tracking leads generated through the plugin and fetching results to your WordPress backend are two important reasons we integrate Convert Pro with GA4. 

In this article, we’ll cover the following points.

  • Why use Google Analytics Integration?
  • Enabling Convert Pro’s Google Analytics Addon
  • Enable Website Tracking in Google Analytics
  • Authorize Convert Pro to view Google Analytics data

Why Use Google Analytics? 

Google Analytics is the most trusted tool merchants use to track their website performance online. Around 95% of website owners look to Google Analytics for accurate results. 

It gives you an idea about the traffic coming to your website, the source of the traffic, their behavior, and conversions.

Enabling Convert Pro’s Google Analytics Addon

Convert Pro provides multiple addons that let you enable the function you wish to use. To integrate Convert Pro with GA4, you need to activate the Analytics Addon:

  • Activate the “Analytics” addon under Convert Pro > Settings > Addons.
Activate the Analytics addon

Enable Website Tracking in Google Analytics

To share all the tracking data with your GA4 account, you need to enter a tracking code/ID on your WordPress website.

  • You can configure these settings under the new Analytics tab.
Analytics tab

There are multiple ways to do this:

Option 1: Add Google Analytics Code

Select this option if you’ve already pasted the GA4 code within the functions.php file of your Astra child site.

GA4 gtag code option

To add the GA4 code to your Astra child site:

  • Copy this code while creating your GA4 property or under the “View tag instructions” tab later on.

Copy the GA4 gtag code

For more information on getting this code, refer to this article.

  • Within your Astra child site, go to Appearance > Theme File Editor > functions.php.

functions.php file

Paste your GA4 code within the following filter and then paste the complete code into your functions.php file.


 * Google Analytics 4 code


function add_google_analytics() {


// Here you need to paste that Google Analytics code



add_action('wp_head', 'add_google_analytics');

Click on the “Update file” button to apply the change.

If you prefer not to modify the code file directly, consider using code snippet plugins like WPCode.

Option 2: Add Google Tag Manager Code

Select this option in case you have added the Google Tag Manager (GTM) code to your WordPress website. 

Google tag manager option

Here is an article you can refer to for a detailed process.

Option 3: Add Google Analytics Measurement ID

If you have not added the code using any of the above methods, you can do so by selecting this option:

Measurement ID option

To get this ID, go to your GA4 account and select the preferred data stream:

  • Copy the “Measurement ID” from your GA4 account and paste it in the “Google Analytics Tracking ID” field.
Copy the measurement ID

You can also search for this Measurement ID directly in the GA4 search bar.

Authorize Convert Pro to view Google Analytics data

By authorizing Convert Pro to access your GA4 account, you allow Convert Pro to access your configuration settings and reports that will let the plugin fetch data and reflect it in graphs at your WordPress backend. 

Client ID and Client Secret fields

Once you add the authorization code in Convert Pro, you’ll be asked to select the Google Analytics view that you wish to see in Convert Pro.

Please refer to this article which shows how to authorize Convert Pro to access your Google Analytics account.

Note: Ensure that you have added the Analytics code to your website. Only then will you be able to authenticate Convert Pro to access your Google Analytics account. 

That’s it with this guide. If you face any issues integrating the GA4, please contact our support. We’re always here to help!

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