/ Knowledge Base /Getting Started/ How to create Multilingual call-to-action with WPML

How to create Multilingual call-to-action with WPML

Convert Pro is 100% translation ready and can be used alongside WPML in order to create a multilingual call-to-action. Before we proceed with this you need to make sure you’ve purchased the latest version of WPML for your website.

Let us begin with the initial setup

  • You will first need to install and activate the core WPML plugins, viz. WPML Multilingual CMS, WPML String Translation, WPML Translation Management. You’ll also need to install and activate the other WPML plugins that may depend on them.
  • Set up WPML through WPML -> Languages. The first three steps are easy where you just need to choose your default language, a set of active languages and a language selector. For more details about the setup, you can refer to the Getting Started Guide of WPML.
  • Navigate to WPML => Settings => Multilingual Content Setup. Scroll down to Post type translation section. From post type list, check the translatable option for Convert Pro popups. Save settings.
Convert Pro WPML Settings

Translating Call-to-action in Convert Pro

When you go to Convert pro -> dashboard, you’ll find a new column added to the list of call-to-actions. This is where you’ll find the available languages.

Under these columns, you’ll find the pencil icon that allows you to edit a translation if it already exists. If not, you’ll find a plus icon ‘+’ that lets you add a translation for that specific language.

You can add a translation or edit an existing one using these icons.

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