/ Knowledge Base /Advanced/ Introduction to Rules sets in Launch settings of Convert Pro

Introduction to Rules sets in Launch settings of Convert Pro

Convert Pro version 1.1.0 has introduced a new rules set that allows you to manage when your call-to-action will be displayed. You can now combine a number of possibilities and display the call-to-action only when all of them are fulfilled, or select a number of options among which the first one will trigger the call-to-action.

What are Launch Triggers?

Launch triggers in Convert Pro are those that determine when the call-to-action will be displayed. You can set multiple launch triggers or set any of them when you wish to show the call-to-action to users. Here is a quick list of Launch Triggers you can use in Convert Pro.

Where will you find these Launch Triggers?

Launch Triggers are placed under the Configurations section in the Convert Pro editor.

What is a rule set?

A rule set is a collection of triggers that you wish to combine to show a call-to-action. Each rule set can have 1 or more triggers set within it. In such cases, Convert Pro will make sure that all the triggers are executed in order to display the call-to-action. This means that the call-to-action will not be displayed even if one trigger within the rule set is not executed.

You can set multiple rule sets for a single call-to-action. The rule set that has all the triggers completed will get executed, ignoring the rest.

How do rule sets work?

The working of triggers and rule sets is controlled just like the logical AND and OR functions. Let us take a look at how its done.

  • Triggers within a Rule set work as AND

Convert Pro makes sure that all the triggers within a rule set are executed so that the call-to-action is displayed.

  • Executing any one Rule set works as OR

When you have multiple rule sets for a single call-to-action, Convert Pro displays the call-to-action when any one rule set is completed. Please note that the call-to-action will appear only once after any one ruleset gets executed. It will not be displayed again for the other rulesets.

How to set rule sets?

You can set rule sets for Launch Triggers under Configuration.

Step 1: Set triggers you wish to add in the default rule set.

Step 2: Add a new rule set if required. You can do this by clicking on the “+” button.

Note: You can add as many rule sets as you want for a single call-to-action and you can set as many triggers as you want within a single rule set.

You can also take a look at a video we have for you.

Note: If you are using Convert Pro version 1.0.4 or below, and you are updating to the latest version, you need not worry about the triggers you’ve set. We have managed it in such a way that multiple triggers for a single call-to-action will be added as different rule sets. This means that like before, the call-to-action will be shown when any of the set triggers gets executed first.

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