/ Knowledge Base /Advanced/ How to Set Cookie Name When a Particular Call-to-action is Submitted or Closed?

How to Set Cookie Name When a Particular Call-to-action is Submitted or Closed?

We all know that Convert Pro allows you to enable cookies which are actually temporary cookie files saved in the user’s browser to track whether he has submitted a particular call-to-action or closed it. And this lets you hide this call-to-action for a specified number of days after successful submission or after the user closes it.

There is no cookie apart from this that is saved. However, there are various actions you might want to carry on when a user submits or closes this particular call-to-action.

One such application would be showing another call-to-action only after a user has submitted your call-to-action 1 successfully. We have a detailed article for this usecase.

For now, let us take a quick look at how you can add specific cookie names for a specific call-to-action.

Step 1 -> Design your Call-to-action using the design settings

Call To Action Designed On Convert Pro

Step 2 -> Open the Configure section and proceed to the Cookie Settings

Cookie Settings in Configuration of Convert Pro

Step 3 -> Select the option to enable a specific cookie when the call-to-action is submitted successfully.

Add Specific Cookie Name After Call To Action Submission

You can also set the number of days this cookie should remain for.

Step 4 -> Select the option to enable a specific cookie when the call-to-action is closed.

Add Specific Cookie After Closing Call to Action

You can also set the number of days this cookie should remain for.

Note: You can add specific cookie name or names only for the after submission action or after closing action, or even both.

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