/ Knowledge Base /Launch Triggers/ How to Show a Call-to-action to Users who have Subscribed through Particular Call-to-action?

How to Show a Call-to-action to Users who have Subscribed through Particular Call-to-action?

In this case, let us consider that we have a special offer for those who subscribe to my newsletter.

So, I have this particular call-to-action as shown in the image below. This is my first call-to-action that asks users to subscribe to my newsletter.

First Subscription Call To Action

When users submit this call-to-action, they are subscribed to my list and now I want to display an offer to users who have subscribed to my list through the above form. So, the second call-to-action I want to show them is as follows.

Second Call to Action With Offer

In order to implement this, we’ll need to follow the steps below. (Assuming that you have both these call-to-actions are designed on your website)

Step 1 -> First call-to-action: Set a specific cookie name to be set when the first call-to-action is submitted.

Open the configuration settings -> Cookies -> Select to add a cookie name after submission -> Add cookie name and set the number of days you want to keep this available.

Enter Cookie Name After Call to Action is Submitted

Step 2 -> Second Call-to-action: Set a Cookie based trigger to Show the call-to-action only when a particular cookie is set.

Open the configuration settings -> Launch Triggers -> Cookie Based Triggers -> Enable Show by Cookie Name -> Enter the Cookie name entered in the above call-to-action

Show Popup After Another Submission

Step 3 -> Save both the call-to-actions

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