Team Convert Pro
February 1, 2021

Version 1.5.0


  • FluentCRM Integration. (Link)


  • Added Get Response API tags support. (Link)
  • Added Sendinblue V3 API – Double-opt-in option support. (Link)


  • Mailpoet V3 custom fields not mapping.
  • Update existing Contact via Aweber API.
  • Location not setting correctly via Mautic Form ID integration.
Team Convert Pro
December 9, 2020

Version 1.4.4


  • Import CTA templates compatibility with PHP 8.0 – Deprecated: Function zip_open().
  • SendGrid Integration: Added reserved fields for mapping the form fields.


  • Added filter to remove unnecessary Convertfox script loader on WP footer.
  • Contacts not added to selected Segments in Mautic v3.
  • ActiveCampaign Integration: Multiple checkboxes form field values not mapping correctly with AC checkbox field.

Team Convert Pro
September 14, 2020

Version 1.4.3


  • Sendinblue API V3 support.

Team Convert Pro
August 12, 2020

Version 1.4.2


  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.5.
Team Convert Pro
August 5, 2020

Version 1.4.1


  • Drip Integration – Not able to Resubscribe the user.
  • Mailster Integration – Not able to connect to the third step.
  • Ontraport Integration – Tags not added to contacts.
Team Convert Pro
July 6, 2020

Version 1.4.0



  • Mailster Integration – Update the existing contact.


  • Mailerlite Authentication – API endpoint changed.
Team Convert Pro
June 8, 2020

Version 1.3.6


  • Email notification section – Values not displayed.
  • MailChimp Integration – Double-optin – Getting confirmation email even if the user is subscribed.
  • MailWizz Integration – Conflict with Connects-MailWizz plugin.
  • Sendy Integration issue – Contacts not added.
  • Cleverreach Integration – Forms not listed when Double-opt-in selected.
  • Aweber Integration – Not getting all the list.
  • Mautic Integration – Location not tracking.
  • Ontraport Integration – Not able to Authenticate.

Team Convert Pro
April 13, 2020

Version 1.3.5


  • SendGrid API Integration – Lists not displayed.
  • By default, all the Addons gets activated.
  • Mautic Integration – Selected Segments not displayed.
  • Infusionsoft Integration – Selected Tags not displayed.
  • Showing Notice when Analytics Addon is activated.
Team Convert Pro
March 18, 2020

Version 1.3.4


  • Hardened the security of plugin.
  • Compatibility with latest WordPress PHP_CodeSniffer rules.


  • Error showing when Convert Kit Tags are not set.