Team Convert Pro
January 4, 2018

Version 1.0.4


  • Incorrect plugin name on the plugins page.
Team Convert Pro
January 4, 2018

Version 1.0.3


  • Added MailWizz integration.


  • Analytics not displaying on dashboard due to invalid access token issue.
Team Convert Pro
January 4, 2018

Version 1.1.1


  • White label support.


  • Info bar close not working when push page down is enabled.
  • Single quote issue with placeholder text.
  • Radio button field values not getting passed to redirect URL as GET parameter.
  • Show credit link option in general settings not working.
  • jQuery conflicts on the backend.
  • Redirect in new tab not working for image field.
  • Form fields not visible in call-to-action before post.
  • Height issue for inline modules on the mobile device.
  • Scroll not working for Convert Mat Call-to-action on iOs devices.
Team Convert Pro
December 18, 2017

Version 1.1.0


  • Advanced targetting with Rulesets in configuration settings.
  • Multi-step support for in content, before after, widget and slide in call-to-action.
  • Page push down option for info bar.
  • Provision to install the beta version.


  • Passing clean get parameters to redirect URL after submission.


  • Hide on devices not working when disabled on mobile and tablet both.
  • Convert Mat / Full screen doesn’t work with inline call-to-action.
  • Conversion cookie set not working for count as conversion action.
  • Background image with overlay color not working for info bar call-to-action.
  • Text shadow issue for the button.
Team Convert Pro
November 29, 2017

Version 1.0.2


  • Added Sendlane integration.
  • Option to Import/Export Call-to-action.
  • Compatibility for tracking Convert Pro events with Google Analytics plus plugin.


  • Google Analytics impression count not working when adding tracking code for me option selected.
  • Connects: GetResponse issue with the missing name field.
  • Connects: Drip subscription issue when the user is already subscribed.
  • Connects: Mailgun: Connection issue fix.
  • Connects: MailPoet: Existing user subscription error.
Team Convert Pro
November 9, 2017

Version 1.0.4


  • Countdown Element.
  • Full-screen popup module.
  • Convert mat module.


  • Rotation not working issue for elements.
  • Conversion cookie not working properly.
  • Cursor misplaced on iOS devices.
  • Shape style is overwritten by theme CSS.
  • Default background image not working.
  • text alignment issue for heading and subheading due to conflict with the theme.
  • Console error fixes while using up/down/left/right key to shift element.
  • Tab indexing issue on the front end.
Team Convert Pro
October 17, 2017

Version 1.0.3


  • Option added to pass form fields as GET parameters.


  • Radio Button and Checkbox field default width issue.
  • Scroll to the top issue when CTA closed on the mobile issue.
  • Invalid URL issue for images, custom HTML, etc.
Team Convert Pro
October 12, 2017

Version 1.0.1


  • Connects: MailChimp list fetching count increased to 100.


  • Connects: GetResponse issue with mapping checkboxes.
Team Convert Pro
October 12, 2017

Version 1.0.2


  • Target all posts of the same category in display rules.


  • Required field option not working for radio and checkbox field.
  • Removed text capitalize for success message after form submission.