Team Convert Pro
June 8, 2020

Version 1.3.6


  • Email notification section – Values not displayed.
  • MailChimp Integration – Double-optin – Getting confirmation email even if the user is subscribed.
  • MailWizz Integration – Conflict with Connects-MailWizz plugin.
  • Sendy Integration issue – Contacts not added.
  • Cleverreach Integration – Forms not listed when Double-opt-in selected.
  • Aweber Integration – Not getting all the list.
  • Mautic Integration – Location not tracking.
  • Ontraport Integration – Not able to Authenticate.

Team Convert Pro
April 13, 2020

Version 1.3.5


  • SendGrid API Integration – Lists not displayed.
  • By default, all the Addons gets activated.
  • Mautic Integration – Selected Segments not displayed.
  • Infusionsoft Integration – Selected Tags not displayed.
  • Showing Notice when Analytics Addon is activated.
Team Convert Pro
April 2, 2020

Version 1.4.5



  • Strong Testimonials Pro Templates plugin JS Conflict Convert Pro popup editor.
  • Phlox theme CSS Conflict Convert Pro popup editor.
  • Redeclaration activation() function – woo-commerce gateway payment express plugin.
  • Scrolling with-in range ruleset not working.
  • Form data not submitted to the when Mailster/MailPoet API integrated.
  • Convert Pro Addon – Not able to download.
  • Displaying the system date in Schedule ruleset.
  • AB test child CTA’s displaying repeatedly.
  • Template file not loaded properly.
Team Convert Pro
March 18, 2020

Version 1.3.4


  • Hardened the security of plugin.
  • Compatibility with latest WordPress PHP_CodeSniffer rules.


  • Error showing when Convert Kit Tags are not set.
Team Convert Pro
February 25, 2020

Version 1.4.4


  • Unable to search the target specifics display rules.
  • Unable to edit mailer connection.
Team Convert Pro
February 20, 2020

Version 1.4.3


  • Hardened the security of plugin.
  • Compatibility with latest WordPress PHP_CodeSniffer rules.


  • Full-Screen CTA Mobile editor elements editing issue.
  • Slide-In CTA Shape elements pointer showing when ‘disable click’ event is turned ON.
  • Not able to create groups on the Convert Pro dashboard.
Team Convert Pro
January 22, 2020

Version 1.3.3


  • Re-structured and optimized the codebase to improve security.


  • Sendinblue API – Default field name mapping issue.
Team Convert Pro
January 22, 2020

Version 1.4.2

Security Fix:

  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
    • A security researcher privately reported a bug about a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
    • Our team immediately took action, and provided the required patch within 2 hours, releasing the update on the same day after thorough validation.
    • Users don’t need to panic. We haven’t heard of any exploit attempts using this vulnerability. However, we strongly recommend all our users to update Astra Pro as soon as possible.
    • We take security very seriously and put in continuous efforts to keep our products safe, secure and reliable.
    • Convert Pro version 1.4.2 has no known security vulnerabilities. And it is recommended that you update it now!


  • Re-structured and optimized the codebase to improve security.


  • WP CLI support added.(
  • Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer JS conflict – unable to edit the integrated mailer.
  • Multiple info-bar overlapping on same position.
  • Slide-in CTA position issue for toggle button on mobile and desktop in Editor.
  • Slide-in CTA position issue with Multistep for toggle button on mobile and desktop in Editor.
  • Slide in CTA position ‘bottom centre’ issue with toggle button on desktop.
  • Slide-in CTA with sticky toggle not working on mobile.
Team Convert Pro
January 6, 2020

Version 1.3.2


  • SendGrid – array_column() not compatible with PHP version 5.4 and above – replaced with array_map().